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The Israelites Depart from Sinai

11 And it happened, in the second year, in the second month, on the twentieth of the month the cloud was lifted from upon the tabernacle of the testimony.[a] 12 And the Israelites[b] set out for their journey[c] from the desert of Sinai, and the cloud dwelled in the desert of Paran. 13 They set out for the first time[d] on the command of Yahweh in the hand of Moses.[e]

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  1. Numbers 10:11 Some modern translations (e.g., the NRSV) have “tabernacle of the covenant”
  2. Numbers 10:12 Literally “sons/children of Israel”
  3. Numbers 10:12 Hebrew “journeys”
  4. Numbers 10:13 Literally “in the beginning”
  5. Numbers 10:13 Or “through Moses”